访问ing Harvey Mudd College
Get the lay of the land with a walking tour of Harvey Mudd College.
If you represent a school or organization and wish to bring a chaperoned group of students to visit Harvey Mudd College, please reach out to our admissions office directly. We accommodate group tours as space, staffing and scheduling permit.
Come sit in on classes to experience Harvey Mudd College’s intimate academic setting. You will meet and learn from our dynamic faculty and get firsthand impressions of the level of instruction you can expect as a Harvey Mudd student.
Class visits are available during the fall and spring semesters only, and are for students only; sorry, 父母. You don’t need to give advance notice for classes you wish to visit, but please check in at the Office of Admission before attending any classes. Classes have been determined for the Spring semester.
Below are classes for Spring Semester: